Consolidated Medical Centers

CMC is passionately driven to aid our patients in achieving great health and vitality. At the same time creating wins for our partners, employees, and investors.

We offer tailored healthcare solutions that incorporate a wide range of methods and focus on the individual’s complete health, including specific health issues, lifestyle, and wellness needs. Our emphasis is on providing effective solutions that are sustainable and treat the whole patient, all within the framework of a successful and financially viable business model.

We have embarked on a new paradigm that accesses all three of the primary treatment models to redefine systemized healthcare. We utilize a combination of Biomedical, Integrative and Assistive treatments to create a personalized approach to each individual’s health journey.

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With our exclusive, personalized model, our clients have access to a groundbreaking health map that includes multiple methods, modalities and treatments. In this way, our patients get the best possible plan to assist them in all aspects of their health. At CMC, our approach treats the whole patient, through an engaging, personalized pathway to health, vitality and sustainable wellness:

  • Personal Connection
  • State of the Art Technology
  • Education
  • Communication

In addition to the treatment approaches, the financial business models are also shifting significantly, driven by changes in the economic landscape. With the increased engagement of individuals in their own health care, the “Fee for Service” revenue method is rapidly shifting to a “Value-Based Reimbursement” structure. Customer satisfaction and “value-added” is a larger driving force in the revenues generated. This is a vast departure from the earlier “Fee for Service” model which allowed for revenue streams to remain constant or even increase, regardless of the care and results achieved in the patient’s health.

Additionally, within an increase of individuals into the healthcare system as a result of ACA, there are more individuals seeking care with fewer “light users” to offset costs. Thus, the economic risk is being transferred from the Health Management System to the provider systems. CMC is uniquely poised to respond to that shift.

Our approach and modernized systems address all the changes required to not only provide excellent, results-based care to a growing healthcare population but with the strong financial structure to remain a viable and highly successful medical firm.

We offer the most up to date technology and innovation, a unique personalized approach to the social needs of today’s customer base, and a sound financial structure that focuses on value for the consumer. As a result, we are consistently able to provide success and satisfaction to patients in their personal wellness goals, all within the framework of a high performing, systemized healthcare business.